Post-Weight Loss Plastic Surgery
The goal of plastic surgery after large weight loss is not just about removing excess skin; a plastic surgeon skilled at contouring the body after a significant weight loss also “molds” the affected areas of the body, creating the most attractive contours possible. As the Plastic Surgeon rids the body of the excess skin, he sculpts the body at the same time through a process called “Body Contouring,” tightening up muscles that have gone lax due to the overweight burden (especially in the abdomen) and re-adjusting contours (such as breasts) where appropriate. Post-weight loss plastic surgery is often necessary because, while the body is overweight, the skin grows bigger and also stretched to accommodate the extra weight, especially if the person has been overweight since childhood when more skin cells formed to accommodate the weight. When the weight is lost, the skin stays as big as it always was, but there’s nothing inside it to fill it out, causing everything to sag.