You may already be well informed about breast augmentation and scarring, but still have some questions that are holding you back from enjoying the benefits of breast augmentation. Like many women, your major concern may be retaining nipple sensation after your surgery, and the possibility of losing sensitivity may be holding you back.
Of all the types of breast surgery available you are least likely to lose sensitivity after standard breast augmentation. One of the major factors involved in the possibility of losing nipple sensitivity is directly connected to surgery surrounding the areola and nipple. In breast augmentation these areas are not affected, since Dr. Slenkovich generally uses an inframammary crease to make the incision.
Depending on your breast implant placement you are even less likely to experience any type of sensitivity loss. Implants placed submuscularly often do not affect the natural breast at all. This means that the buffer provided by your muscles helps prevent nerve damage. Even in subglandular placement, however, sensitivity loss is extremely rare.
If you are interested in breast augmentation but would like to learn more about the risks and benefits, please contact breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Slenkovich today in Denver, Colorado, and find the answers to your questions.