There are numerous reasons why you might consider breast implant revision surgery. The three most common reasons women seek a secondary breast surgery are:

  1. A desire to change their breast implant size
  2. Improving the feel or appearance of their breasts
  3. Complication with their breast implants

In any of these situation there are opportunities to revise the look of your breasts to create the attractive appearance you desire. Take a look at the below patients, each of which came to Colorado Plastic Surgery Center for a secondary breast surgery.
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Patient 1 – The Effects of Time on Breast Implants

The below patient had undergone a breast augmentation with saline implants several years before. She had never been completely happy with results of her breast augmentation. After several years and two pregnancies her implants had developed a droopy appearance. She chose to remove her saline implants and replace them with 500cc silicone gel implants. An internal breast lift was performed to heighten the nipple position to provide a perky, more youthful appearance. She is show before and one year after surgery.

Breast Implant Revision Surgery Denver, Colorado

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Patient 2 – Capsular Contracture

In some cases a breast implant revision may require operating on only one breast instead of both breasts. The below patient underwent revision surgery to the left breast because of a Grade 3 capsular contracture that had caused her breast to become unnaturally hard and tight creating a higher appearance. During her breast implant revision surgery the left breast implant was removed and the capsule was excised. Her silicone implant was then replaced. She is shown before and six weeks after surgery.

Capsular Contracture Revision Surgery Denver, Colorado
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Patient 3 – Bottoming Out Breast Implants

The below patient had received breast implants several years before. Over time her large implants began to bottom out, a complication where the breast implants move out of the implant pocket and drop lower onto the chest wall. This causes the nipples to have an unnaturally high appearance. Using the same breast implants, her revision surgery corrected the issue with her implant pocket to bring her breasts higher on the chest wall. She is shown before and six weeks after her breast implant revision surgery.

Bottoming Out Breast Implant Revision Denver, Colorado

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If you are considering a breast implant revision in the Denver, Colorado area, contact us to schedule a consultation to learn about the surgical options available to you to improve the appearance of your breasts.

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